“I am blown away by the quality of both this theme, and the support.
5 Stars, fabulous work!”
5 Stars, fabulous work!”

I just wanted to say I have used alot of wordpress templates and yours surpasses them all by far. I say that because of the ease of use, the unlimited creativity available, the forum support on a scale of 1 – 10 (ten being the highest) you rank 11! I love the easy use of the forum, the email notification and the prompt response. Thank you for creating such an outstanding product and supporting it! By the way I gave you a ‘five star’ in my account on the theme.
Just starting out with Inavado, really impressed with everything so far. Very easy to configure and setup, the home page variations are great. Homepage 7 is perfect for my needs it’s saving me a lot of time. I don’t normally buy a just released template, I normally wait for a few revisions and the bugs to go away, but Inavado was too good to wait and as far as I can see it’s glitch free and stable right from the start. Well done!

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Maecenas lacus aliquet et nisl nunc, per sed sed maecenas.Lectus tincidunt pellentesque augue urna sit sed.
Maecenas lacus aliquet et nisl nunc, per sed sed maecenas.Lectus tincidunt pellentesque augue urna sit sed.